The Suno India Show

Suno India

All Episodes

Sep 10, 2019

"There is no problem in Kashmir" - Ex-Secretary General of IMA

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has angrily opposed the medical journal Lancet’s editorial piece on the revoking of Article 370 by the Indian government. The editorial covered how the military presence has...

17 mins

Sep 06, 2019

Industrial growth at what cost?

A study conducted by Safe In India, an NGO found that out of more than 1300 workers with crush injuries in Gurugram Manesar area's automobile industry had injuries due to lack of safety measures. The report fou...

25 mins

Aug 31, 2019

Clean toilets and conversations paving way for change in Nashik's Ashram Shalas

For this special report of The Suno India Show, our reporter Vaishali visited Nashik district in Maharashtra, where WaterAid India along with local partners have taken on the onerous challenge of revamping the...

22 mins

Aug 15, 2019

Rising internet shutdowns - an attack on our freedom

Today marks the 10th day of complete communication shutdown in Jammu and Kashmir. Even as relaxations are being announced in some parts of the State, a vast majority of the population living in the Kashmir vall...

33 mins

Aug 14, 2019

National Medical Commission bill 2019

In the row of bills introduced by the government, the National Medical Commission Bill is an important one. A bridge course for AYUSH students, exit test for the medical students, regulating private and deemed...

27 mins

Aug 10, 2019

Voice of a Kashmiri

Since midnight on August 4, Kashmir has been under lockdown. Phone lines, internet connectivity and cable channels have been suspended. A government order imposed Section 144, prohibited public meetings and res...

40 mins

Aug 06, 2019

Is the removal of Article 370 and reorganisation of J&K constitutional and legal?

On August 5, 2019, India's Home Minister Amit Shah put forward a resolution signed by the President of India scrapping Article 370. The resolution came after days of heightened tension and confusion preceded by...

24 mins

Aug 05, 2019

Labour codes that subsume labour laws

Why does the central government pass new labor laws in haste? Is it simplifying it for the labor or for the corporate? As part of the series of codes that merge the central labour laws, the centre has passed th...

22 mins

Jul 27, 2019

Setting the bones right - Inside the world of Hyderabad's bonesetters' clinics

India is a land of so many different cultures and traditions. And of course, that is the same for health systems too. Before the arrival of allopathy, each region predominantly had its medical and health practi...

30 mins

Jul 25, 2019

Who will fund Amaravati?

After the World Bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank dropped their financing plans for the Amaravati Sustainable Infrastructure and Institutional Development Project, the state government plans to util...

29 mins